From my last post you will know I have not been very happy with BT. If you look closly at the pink cloud you can see a face. It could almost be puffing/cursing the BT tower. I'm friends with the clouds.
And the clouds are friends with you! Beautiful photo.
I heard if you attach the photo of the tower to a bulletin board and then proceed to stick it with needles and push pins, it will come round to your way of thinking, lol.
you caught me in the clouds bitchin' out BT ;)
I'm glad you at least have partial access. I've been missing pictures of one of my favorite cities in the world!
We just got high speed internet here today after living with dialup for 10 years. What a change!!
May your BT problems dissolve like the clouds!
Haha! Cute. :D
And, to answer your question. I don't sleep much, and I snack a lot while I'm beading! :D
And the clouds are friends with you! Beautiful photo.
I heard if you attach the photo of the tower to a bulletin board and then proceed to stick it with needles and push pins, it will come round to your way of thinking, lol.
I know, I'm silly. I must be in the clouds too!
Love the photo and I hope the winds can blow away the BT problems and leave blue skies and white clouds in its place.
Their service kinda sucks, but I really like their tower :). Very neat shot, Mo. That cloud is something else.
:) awesome photo.
i sympathise with the phone company problems. I've been waiting and waiting here too.
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