You could not be in London yesterday and not be aware of the London Marathon. With over 35,000 entrants and thousands more who supported them. I was out there supporting a friend who managed it in 4hrs 5mins. They had rain, sunshine and cold. Congrats to all who entered and especially all who finished.
Beautiful photograph of the London Marathon.
I don't understand the need for people to run in marathons as there is no reward at the end but there is a lot of misery, aching bones and feet.
The urge to run in a marathon must be a human condition as I am not able to think of any other species willing to run 26 miles for nothing.
Your marathon was a lot wetter than ours!
Your friend did great. I love the crowd out to watch the runners pass by.
Thanks for the photo. Judging by the numbers of both spectators and runners, it looks like a huge success. Very nice shot!
Great photo! What a way to spend the day!
Lots of participants! At least 10K more than last year's Boston Marathon. It must've been cool to see your friend finish it. :)
great image, well done.
I'm glad you've posted on the marathon. I watched it on the TV yesterday and some of the stories of the runners are so inspiring and moving. You've taken a great photo :)
Awesome photo! I love the colors and the energy.
Great photo!! I have never run in a marathon and have really never been inspired to do so, but Bravo to those who are disciplined enough to do it!
I'm more of a walker myself! :)
Great photo though--glad the snow is gone for them!!
great photo, Mo!
Unfortunately I was not in London, but I had a friend who also finished - 4 hours 2 minutes...they must have been pacing one another !
I experienced the London Marathon last year.... Our marathon is next Monday! But, I will miss it. I'll be stuck at Heathrow waiting for a plane to the Czech Republic!
Fantastic shot of the runners!
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