
Monday, 7 April 2008


More snow was forecast for today, but we have lovely blue skies. This afternoon I passed this wee snowman on someones doorstep. So although we have blue skies it has still not been warm enough for him to melt.


Olivier said...

c'est sympathique de lui mettre une écharpe, comme cela il n'attrapera pas un gros rhume. Malheureusement il ne va plus vivre longtemps. très bonne photo, très funny.

It is nice to put a scarf, as he n'attrapera not a serious cold. Unfortunately, he will no longer live for a long time. Very good picture, very funny.

Pink said...

You see...its all about the important scarf...keeps the cold out...or in this!

pinks :)

Janet said...

He or she is really wrapped up, so I can tell he or she is cold! Cute photo.

Christie said...

So cute!! My kids make snowmen every year when the snow is just right for packing... usually they end up being taller than my kids are and my kids are 8 and 6!

All part of the fun of snow. Enjoy it while it lasts, I myself am looking forward to Spring.

(I just found my first daffodil sprouts today! Yippee!)

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

And he has such a cute scarf. :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Made me laugh coming across this. A proper daily shot. Great.

Daniel J Santos said...


In Portugal we have a spring with lots of rain.

Jilly said...

I love that someone gave hima scarf to keep him warm!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Cool, he looks big!

The Lone Beader® said...

Looks like a snow-woman to me! :D

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