
Monday, 5 May 2008

The Cans Festival

Over the 3 day long weekend a disused tunnel near Waterloo Station was turned into a giant exhibition space by Banksy, where 29 others secretly created their work. The whereabouts of the space was only revealed on Friday. Thousands went through all taking photos of the 'art'. You could register at the beginning if you wanted to do your own art. I figured there will lots of photos of the art in the next few days. So decided to show you those who decided to take up the offer of a spray can, may be for the first time.


FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

That's a fun thing to do. I'd love to be there. Lovely weather, too!

George Townboy said...

Makes me want to be a graffiti artist!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the picture! we tried to go on saturday but the queue was so long that we decided not to wait...

Christie said...

What a cool thing!! We had a place like that in our little town, but it had to be closed down because it was being abused. Hopefully soon there will be another place.

In university, we had a big rock that must have had hundreds of coats of paint on it. It was our "graffiti" rock and you could leave messages there and such. It was a nice place o remember a birthday or something else important to university life. Such memories!!

Stevenson Q said...

wow! A beautiful and lively burst of colors! Thank you so much for your compliment on my page! And thank you so much for welcoming me! God bLess you and I'll link you to my friendly daily photo links^^ Thanks and God bLess^^

Steven Que
Cavite Daily Photo

Pink said...

Wow. Cool! I was away this weekend - would love to see the graffitti. Which tunnel?


Did you spray?

Love the title - Cans Festival ;)


Greyhound Girl said...

This is such a great idea and so much fun1 Great picture of art making art.

The Lone Beader® said...

LOL! Did you see my mobile blog?? I posted almost the exact same pic! Great festival with brilliant artwork! My friend and I loved it so much, we went twice! :D

P.S. See you Thursday! :D

Anonymous said...

thanks for letting me know about the space invader. I did not know about that one but leak street was quite busy last weekend, wasn't it?

• Eliane • said...

Clever and funny title! Some of those creating look really interesting.

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