I was walking down
Tooley St near London Bridge Tube station, when I heard the words, 'come inside my lovely'. A
ghoul of around 7 foot was beside me. Not an experience I was expecting. My 'invite' was to enter
London Bridge Experience Museum . Although I have walked around this area I hadn't noticed this place before. Some of the London attractions? are somewhat
That is really creepy!
Kinda of a pre-Halloween experience.
Friends have a wonderful etching titled 'Pickle Herring St. by Sybil Andrews
Pickle Herring St. doesn't exist but I think it may be Tooley St. now.
Creepy! Did you go inside or was your photo taken at the entrance?
Spooky stuff! It looks like something from a horror film :(
Creepy indeed! I think I may have walked by there a time or two and completely missed it!
The last time I was in London I stayed at a flat at Tea Trade Wharf on Shad Thames just past Tower Bridge. Almost every day we walked to the London Bridge Tube station to catch a ride to our destination of the day. We happened to be there at the end of October and this place you describe was just hopping with ghouls of all kinds many of them with some body part bloodied. The thing that amazed us was the very long lines of people waiting to get in no matter what time of day we passed.
Oh no this is too freaky! Some weird post you've had recently but wonderful.
Freaky. Reminds me of the glass coffins with jewel-bedecked skeletal remains of saints in churches in Vienna.
Sybil Andrews emigrated from the UK to Canada in 1947. The etching of Pickle Herring Street, Southwark is likely from her time in London where she had a studio and studied at the Grosvenor School. There are 20 copies of this piece and my friends acquired theirs through a Vancouver dealer.
When she came to BC she settled, with her husband (I presume), in Campbell River on the east coast of Vancouver Island.
Most of the work I've seen by her are lino cut prints. You can search examples through Google. I suspect most people will find most of them very pleasing.
"le retour des morts vivants" ;o)...on pourrait se croire dans les catacombes de Paris.
"The return of the living dead" o) ... we could believe in the catacombs of Paris.
Mo, thanks for visiting Phoenix Daily Photo. The library is our main public library. I love coming to your site because London is my favorite city!
that look scary!!! im having goosebumps
some great photos you've got this week - love this weird do.
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