Walking down
Tottenhamcourt Road the other day, I could hear a megaphone and other voices. Wandered over to see what it was all about. (As you do). A few individuals were staging a protest about
Scientology. They were attracting quite a bit of attention but no-one watching knew what it was about, nor did they venture closer to ask.
Makes you wonder how often do protest groups intimidate rather than convey their message. What do you think?
A few weeks ago there were a bunch of people in masks outside Scientology in Vancouver.
They were handing out leaflets and I just assumed they were Scientologists. I later figured out they were protesters but by then I was down the road.
I'm all for protesting Scientology but they need to work on their technique.
When I visit London I almost always stay in Bloomsbury so I've tromped up and down Tottenhamcourt Rd. a lot.
The mask alone intimidates me!
Scientologists wearing Guy Fawkes masks?! I think I'd be put off, too.
I saw a report about this on the news - I think scientology is totally brainwashing.
However, you're right about protest groups being a bit intimidating - a lot of times when you're just walking down the streets you get molested by people asking you your opinions which I find scary.
But hey, that's up to them!
Love the blog, pop by sometime!
That's why they have big signs - so you can find out without getting too close! :)
This guy totally intimidate me...
I really like what ypu've done with the colour here. Really enhances the photo. I think more often than not they just intimidate.
"This guy totally intimidate me..."
Lady, thank you very much! ;)
Hi all, that is me in the photo there, and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking it, it's a great shot!
I thought I'd take this moment to explain the masks [although you can see in the picture there a leaflet containing said details] but in short, we wear masks for our protection, for our safety, as Scientology have a policy to attack people who openly criticise them. Also the masks convey us as One Voice, all united to protest against the cult.
A lot of people do find the masks creepy, but the majority of us do see us for the light-hearted fun we are! We sing, dance, we offer free cake to the folks, because we're about having fun too, we're not an angry mob out to incite hatred.
But to clarify to those who may have been mistaken [which does happen, unfortunately] we are AGAINST Scientology.
And just as an added point - as intimidating as it looks, we ARE very friendly, very jokey folk and very happily are there to talk about what we do, so never be very afraid to approach us :)
P.s I would like to add your fantastic blogger to my blogger page also, which you can see at: http://defunctphotography.com
keep up the good work! :)
That is a scary mask. I would have veered away myself. It seems if they wanted to get their message out, they could have used less intimidating tactics.
The masks make them look very intimidating for sure!
I just saw a movie recently where the main character, a killer, wore this exact same mask! Can't think of the name now.
How interesting is this and to get the person in the mask to put there side is terrfic. Totally against scientology, brainwashing. V for vendetta masks a great idea to e as one.
Thi is fantastic journalist photography.
Whenever I've met humans wearing masks they've always been the ones who felt intimidated.
Masks are ok, it's the giant papier mache puppet heads that scare the hell out of me...
ps. love the pics on your blog. Living vicariously through them in Fla...
"Whenever I've met humans wearing masks they've always been the ones who felt intimidated."
Hi, masked one again! :)
I would just like to point out said person's comment there which in a way, is SPOT ON. We wear those masks mainly for PROTECTION. We put ourselves at risk by putting our real identity out there, so we must cover ourselves. Of course the masks may have its pros and cons to society, but we cannot reveal ourselves, so it's entirely up to you as a person to come talk to us, find out what you think, or visit our websites for more info:
Thank you :)
.re masks, I was watching the US/Cuba match the other night and US fans wore masks to conceal their identity from the govt.
Completely understand why you would need the masks as a protection issue...
ps. I also live about 30 miles from Scientology HQ. Interesting little town to drive through that one...
They aren't intimidating, they're silly. Still photographs can't capture the fact that they are obviously goofing around.
What's so scary about college students with leaflets, are you afraid they are going to give you a paper cut, you big weenie?
First of all, great shot. I really like it.
Secondly, I think it's less intimidation, and more irritation. At least, to me.
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