
Friday, 7 November 2008

Skywatch Friday - The Grand Finale

It's been a week of superb fireworks. (see below for the weeks posts). Daylight saving finished at the end of October. Suddenly the weather demons descended upon us and now it feels dark between 3 and 4pm. The temperature plummeted and that rain goblin flirted with us. No wonder Guy Fawkes celebrations are such a big event here.


Anonymous said...

That is cute and cool shot of the fireworks...TC

Anonymous said...

Great fireworks! Cool! Happy skywatching!

My Skywatch

Unknown said...

Amazing shots of the fireworks! Great work!

Tanya Breese said...

A great ending for Guy Fawkes! Have a great weekend :)

George Townboy said...

Awesome shot!

Hope said...

I just love fireworks...a wonderful shot!

Eki said...

That's a fabulous firework, Mo!

The sky is getting dark to where I live.

marley said...

Another great fireworks photo!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I'm glad you have enjoyed this week. A strange thing we celebrate, but a great excuse for those fabulous fireworks. I van see a smiley face on this one.

Becky said...

I've never seen fireworks like this before. Very cool!

Arija said...

Lovely pinwheel. In days of yore Australians used to all know and appreciate 'gunpowder, treason and plot', but because of our dry conditions and many eye injuries, fireworks were banned. Now if you want to let off a few even in winter, you have to get a permit to even buy them. Thank God the molly coddling idiots havn't banned sparklers yet!

PJ said...

Sorry I missed your SWF post until now, Mo. It's just perfect, great capture (so far, I've had a lot of difficulty with fireworks)for Guy Fawkes Day.

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