Gazing down over Piccadilly Circus the naked angel statue with bow and arrows of Anteros. Built around 1893 as a monument to the philanthropic 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, it created a bit of controversy for the puritanical Christians at the time who felt it was vulgar. In an attempt to appease them it was renamed the Angel of Christian Charity.
These days it is generally referred to as Eros, the frivolous brother of Anteros

Great statue and blue sky. Nice Eros.
Whatever you choose to call it, I like it! And the blue, blue sky is the perfect background.
Great shot!
Cool! :)
What a beautiful statue.
Yes I did call him like that too,back in the days.
Love your blog, saw it on Blogs of Note. I'm new to London myself (only 1 month) and I think your blog will be helpful and enjoyable! Thanks! - Amy http://dandatraveltheworld.blogspot.com/
Hmmm… now I need to review my Greek and Roman mythology — I'm drawing a blank with Anteros. Thanks for the push! :D
Love the statue, but I can imagine the howls of protest back then. I think it'll still happen here in Manila.
Renaming for appeasement is just so funny--and typical!
great image
the cropping
makes this one!
Congratulations for being a Blog of Note.
That's a funny story. I'm sure it's not the only case of a greek God posing for a Christian saint or angel ;)
Great shot! And thanks for the history. I only had the privilege of visiting London a couple of times (long, long ago), but Picadilly Circus was amazing to me!
Great photo!
I am doing a blog here in NYC as Midtownblogger.blogspot.com and try to get in photos of area... just started two days ago. I think you are an inspiration...
Great shot and what a perfect back drop for Eros!
i have the same feeling like them :)) GREAT Blog! Your blog's the first one i follow.
Your blog makes me love London!
Ah,I'm from Vietnam and I'm learning English haha.
As a Texas obsessed with London and all thing British - this is a great blog! I'll be checking in daily!
Thanks for visiting my NYC blog. I love London and miss it so!
Blue sky during winter makes me happy:)
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Love the blog and the pictures even though I work in London, I have put a few pictures up on my blog ...
great shot! ít taking my eyes and mind...thanks for sharing!
A popular meeting place as well.
beautiful pose, isn't it? makes it looks like floating..
Great shot!
It's perectly captured. You don't get many skies like that in London so this is fabulous.
Great pics! How do you manage to make London look so pretty? Because I know it's not!
Bon photo!
cool statue!
cool statue!
A photo blog on London and not a photo of a pub in sight! Thanks! ;)
This is so beautiful! Fantastic choice for the skywatch theme!
This is really cool.
Piccadilly Circus wouldn't be the same without it! Great shot :)
Wow, I just found your blog and these are some amazing pictures you take.. How beautiful!
New to London from where? I used to be from London, good to see it with fresh eyes.
New to London from where? I used to be from London, good to see it with fresh eyes.
I love your blog. I had one when I studied in France in 2003. They're all old posts, but fellow travellers might enjoy the culture comparisons. It's elleloup.blogspot.com.
Keep the pictures coming!
I remember that very well ! what an extraordinary blue sky ... and that in London !
What a gorgeous place, London is.
Very nice love the shot
Beuatiful! If your interested please check out my new site!
wow! lovely pictures.. thanks for sharing those with 'fresh eyes' :). i love to see London myself
I'm so happy I found your blog on Blogs of Note...congratulations!!..my sister recently got a flat in London and she loves it!! I haven't been there since college, so I'm looking forward to seeing it with "fresh eyes"...check out my blog thetreatgirl.blogspot.com ...have fun!!!
oh I miss this place!
I love London, very cool blog!!
wow sweet photos I am communicating with someone in london right now and this gives me a great peek at what to look forward to when I go.
the perfect capture... you're talented!!
So, next time I pass Piccadilly Circus, I must remember this as the Angel of Christian Charity!!
Never seen Anteros so near! Looks quite sexy actually! Ciao. A.
Congratulations for being "A Blog Of Note"
Beautiful. I'm glad I found your blog on Blogs of Note.
Fresh Eyes on London thts just what we need. wish I could do the same with Stockholm :-)
will follow your blogg, lots of useful information and very very nice photos
Mary was here, and very much enjoyed reading your blog
Hello!! Lovely blog.. I love London so much. That is one of my favourite spots of it. xx
Love the blog! I have never been to London, but wish to visit very much! Will definitely check back to see more of it! Thanks!
What lovely pictures. I'm a born and breed Londoner and it's interesting to see the viewpoint of someone new to the city. Nice one.
Thanks for the vicarious travels. Congrats on Blog of Note! Central Ontario is rather cold these days.
london never ceases to amaze in its artistic qualities! i wish to live/study there someday..
I love angels. The blue sky captured in this picture makes it even more heavenly. It's funny, because I always imagined London to be a cloudy city. This blue sky just proved me wrong.
k does this thing let u comment now?
This is such a pretty statue. Thanks for the information on it as well as for the picture. :]
Oh dear, my heart is crying. I got married in England in 1989, and Piccadilly Circus was one of the places we visited. I will never ever remember that time of my life, not just because of the wedding but because of the beautiful country. We are soon going back to live there, I cannot wait
Okay I made a booboo, I will never ever forget that time at Piccadilly Circus....so sorry
nice shoot..
check my blog
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