Is it a bird? No it's a plane. Taking off from London City airport. Bringing people into central London since 1988. Although it is almost next to the Excel centre (see yesterdays post) this will not be where president Obama lands today. No, Airforce one arrives at Stansted airport. A 40 min drive away from London. However he will just pop into London via one of the helicopters he is bringing with him. Not sure how the rest of the entourage is arriving into central London. I guess the police sirens will give me a clue. Will keep you posted of events around town.
So of course I did not believe you, did I? No no no ... I can see the ruffle of feathers from here. So a click to enlarge ... golly gosh.
Oops ... she is right ... sorry Mo.
What a good shot!
The authorities discourage us from parking in places like this to shoot. The threat of terrorism is their excuse.
Great shot.I'm sure you gonna do well about bringing the events into pictures.
If you don't enlarge the photo, it really looks like a big condor! Amazing! :-)
What a big beautiful metal bird !!!
Incredibly good shot! Well done, Mo! I'm longing for my take-off... Easter holidays are near and I'll be there at last! :)
I love having this eyewitness account of the coming events. Thanks Mo.
This is a great shot.
A nice photo. And for those who haven't tried to land here I have to say, that it's quite a roller coaster. The runway is very short so you'll really need your seatbelts :-)
It really looks like a bird! Great photo!
Fantastic photo. Just let us know if you see Obama around. Ciao. A.
Cool shot! Good luck with the traffic jams.
So cool that the Obamas got to meet the Queen! I saw all the news reports this evening! :D
Oh yes, I too thought it was a bird but on clicking for the enlarged view found what an impressive shot it is. I guess it is a heavy transport plane clawing its way into the sky. I like the runway lights below it also.
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