Yes something cows drink out of. In the middle of London? Yes again. Until late in the 19th century animals were driven in to the nearby Smithfields Market. The market is still there but it is carcasses that are brought in these days. Back when live animals were on their way to market these drinking troughs were strategically placed along the way.
Interesting that people were drinking gin and beer as the water wasn't drinkable.
Maybe the cows had gin as well. Gin was produced a few metres away from this trough so maybe daisy had a jolly end.
I have seen one of those near hampstead heath. how interesting!
It's like seeing the rings used to tie horses to on old buildings in the middle of a modern city. Nice post!
I never knew this. Interesting.... it is nice to see some history which is being preserved in London.
Thank you for the interesting bit of history. I love learning this stuff.
That is really odd! London really leaves some interesting bits of history lying around!
how are
these different
than politicians' troughs?
what a good story !
We have one like this in the middle of Cheltenham but it is used as a planter now! I'll have to take a photo.
great history
That's an amazing piece of history. how old is it?
Fascinating post and hilarious thought at the end. Love it!
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