These men form part of the Irish regiment, recognised by their blue plume. Christian Lacroix recently remodelled and updated their uniforms. True soldiers, they endure hours in 27 degree heat dressed in thick wool uniforms and bearskin hats. And, true to military form there is a rule to cope with mishaps in hot weather - if you sense you are going to faint, you must fall forwards, not backwards or sideways. Now... one of the statements I have made today is simply not true - can you guess which one.
A nice post in which I learned more than I knew before I came here. I can't imagine those uniforms in combat but then I guess times have changed a lot.
GREAT colorful photo! Where's the Queen? I bet the uniforms aren't really THICK WOOL but rather a lighter, thinner fabric. Am I correct about your incorrectness? Regards from EAGAN daily photo
Has to be the temperature. It has never been that warm in the UK :-)
I agree with Steffe ... and with Leif! LOL!
What statement is not true! Pleeease, tell us!
Nice shot. Well its got to be that Christian Lacroix redesigned their uniform! It must be...
Oh, boy! I agree with marley too...
I'm going to go with Marley too! The bit about Lacroix doesn't seem quite right.
Those are fancy jackets and I might believe the Lacroix bit...but not really. It should have been some irish designer.
Is it the safest way to fall forward? I don´t want to try that for real.
I love all the little bits I learn from you. I'm going to guess that the fib is the bit about recognizing the flag they'd fight under from a parade. Although, the designer part seems a bit far fetched. Hmmm. Which is it?
It's the first time I see them in this outfit
wow there are cute ;) Yes i think C.Lacroix didn't remodel their uniforms :)
Hi Mo,
London Belle and I think it would be a great idea to arrange a backstage tour of the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden for our fellow great bloggers. London Belle suggested that you might like to take some great photographs ?
What do you think ?
The only snag as I see it is that we can't really do the tour until October, because the company are about to leave for Washington on tour. But on the other hand that gives us loads of time to arrange it !!!
I have been in London when it was 30 degree Celsius, so maybe the temperature statement is false.
Isn't her birthday in April?
Ah well, can't blame 'em for wanting to do it in June. Better weather.
Mo - You are lots of fun!
Wine Noter
A good one this Mo, I think its the Christian Lacroix bit.
Imagine that, not recognizing the flag you'd be fighting under.
I wonder if there are more presents on the official birthday than on the real one. Anyhow, there's got to be more of them with two birthdays.
the policewoman in front of us fainted flat on her back, like dropping a board, her head bounced off the pavement
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