The Knights Hospitallier were an order dedicated to healing the sick and defending the faith. This gate dating from 1504 was the entrance to their sanctuary.
It went through many lives after that depending on who was in power until the Victorians, inspired by its medical past, founded St John's Ambulance.
Beautiful entrance!
Nice gate, lovely post...As usual.
I like how it's closed off to just pedestrians. Makes it easier to admire.
A quaint wee spot with a lovely history.
Beautiful old stone! Is it just the gate that remains, or is there still something above and beyond it?
A beautiful gate.
nice entrance !
Love the dimensions of the photo. The trees flanking the entrance of the beautiful old gate. And anything that can last 500 years is just plain cool. Thanks again for the history lesson -- they're my favorite.
The gate makes a beautiful photo!
Wonderful photo, Mo. I love the tidbits of history you give, too. It helps make the photo really come alive.
Awesome history lesson! Awesome picture!
Goodness! Lovely archway, Mo. (Interesting sidenote for film fans: A Hospitaler is what actor David Thewlis played in Kingdom of Heaven!) : ) *L*
I love this!!
«Louis» enjoys history, even brief ones such as this. Fascinating!
yes it's cool that people can still walk through it, I like the history behind it.
Hey MO! You've got me addicted to your blog because I am inlove with London and all things English. Your posts make one feel as if they are there! Thanks, and for that, I have given you an award! Come by my blogspot to recieve it.
Interesting. I never knew this about the stone arch.
Nice to see that this gate is still there! No Baron Haussmann in London! :-)
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