The viaduct built in the 1860's to improve the western entrance to the city took over 6 years at a cost of £2 million, expensive even in Victorian times.
Four statues gaze down at you, commerce (as shown in this picture), fine art, agriculture and science. Each given equal importance. Did the Victorians value a wider range of skills than those of today? What do you think?
Yes I think so. Love the way she is flanked by what I take to be a red Victorian building & decorative iron work on the bridge.
Well, they were rather optimistic then. But it was not the golden age one may imagine. The Victorian Age was characterized by a coexistence of very distant opposing values, known as "the Victorian compromise", in the same social classes and even in the same individuals resulting in great hypocrisy. But I don't want to lecture you. I love the literature of that time, especially its women writers but, please, don't ask me my opinion on Victorian values or frame of mind. Anyway, the statue looks beautiful.
excellent commentary. The older American values also served us better than the robber baron types now running Wall Street.
She's quite handsome.
Great post. I've passed this statue and wondered...
Victorian times certainly brought a lot, good and... Sometimes you feel that you would like to live those days... however better be on certain level on the scale of "classes"! What is sure is that the architectural souvenirs are nice!
Victorians certainly took a different view of public sculpture; a beautiful woman to represent commerce! Lovely!
Twentieth century public sculpture in my city (Washington DC) is a giant chrome paper clip. Wtf?
Great moment captured.
Love the shot. The location and lighting are perect.
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