
Sunday, 27 September 2009

Gorilla Race

The city went ape yesterday with 100's of gorillas let loose on the streets.

The Great Gorilla Race was all about raising awareness for gorillas in the wild. I can certainly vouch for awareness being raised among the crowds.


Lucy Corrander said...

Once again, it's the perspectives wot does it!


Mara said...

Love the gorilla with the banana ànd the rucksack on the left!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Great shot. Primates rock!

John said...

Guess you had to be there; looks like they enjoyed themselves.

jabblog said...

Great fun. I liked the banana-toting gorilla too!

Karine said...

Colorful, aren't they? lol

Babzy.B said...

Amazing shot ! I love it :)

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

that's my ex husband at the front there - sans gorrilla suit!

lunarossa said...

Always something going on in London! Lucky you! Ciao. A.

Sharon said...

Great picture. That must have been a fun thing to witness.

Ken Mac said...

28 Days Later later?

Gunn said...

Unique and fun photo!!!

Anna said...

Who knew gorilla's had such fashion sense?

Jenny Woolf said...

to think I live pretty centrally in London but I never saw a single gorilla yesterday. I was gardening. Maybe gorillas don't like gardens.

Leif Hagen said...

Did a lot of bunches of bananas go missing . . . .

marley said...

The people trying to get by un-noticed look very aware (terrified!)

Mike Bryant said...

Awesome photo. I remember this one.

Thats me on the left in the Gorilla suit. How can I get a copy of that shot to show my family in Australia?

We didnt get any photos as there were no pockets in the suits!

I have never sweated so much in my life.

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