A brief post today as I have a horrid cold. The downside of living in a city of London. I seem to catch so many.

Don't forget my competition that is running at present to win yourself a pair of tickets to Brussels. You can enter as many times as you like.
I hope you feel better soon.
It's not just in London that autumn colds are arriving. Dorset shares them! Hope yours is a short one.
I like stormy lights and am wondering whether London is having a lot of them at present (as in the swan picture) or whether it's the way you take / present the photographs.
Beautifully composed shot. Get well soon :)
I love the clouds. Sorry you feel so crappy.
Be well!
Beautiful sky and colours ,have a nice weekend despite the cold !
The cold will pass, have a nice weekend!
thanks for the lovely glimpse of London! take care of that cold
Take care of your cold (not the flu?)!
(Sorry, I missed the subway day again, was away.)
oh, get well soon <3
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I love that big white ship set off by the clouds and buildings.
Feel better soon. Drink lots of tea.
I love the contrast between the sunlight ont he buildings and the clouds rolling in!
I hope you feel better soon, there are a lot of colds going aorund Montreal too...along with the occasionnal case of H1N1. What can you do, everyone's back inside after the summer, it's to be expected!
Incredible colours!
Hope you're feeling better soon! This is such a gorgeous shot! The moody clouds, the reflections in the water! Wonderful!
Swine flu? It is so much in the media here about it, but not many more are sick than usual.
I love that photo.
I hope you are feeling better , to be able to get out there and enjoy more great skies.
I hope you are feeling better , to be able to get out there and enjoy more great skies.
Tht's a nice moody photo.
Very nautical photo .. the curious looking vessel in the foreground looks like an old classic. Sorry about your dreaded cold. Touch wood, I haven't had one for some years now.
Such a nice shot! Love the buildings for background.
stately and sedate!
You said it! I've just finished another round of antibiotics and I'm still getting over whatever hit me. Rest and get well soon!
Love the light in your photo! And what is that huge, sprawling building to the left of the skyscraper?
I love the way the sunlight hits the Thames in the evening. Sometimes the whole river seems like a great big work of art
I love the colour tones the sunlight creates.
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