
Tuesday 1 September 2009

Theme Day - Big

Big Ben. Big Man.

To see other interpretations of Big
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


A Daft Scots Lass said...

love this shot...

Gunn said...

Wow, what a nice photo!
And the big man, is that Mr. Winston Churcill ??

Mike's Travels said...

Great angle of a familiar spot.

Angie said...

Good shot - sure looks like Winnie!

Jilly said...

Mo, I just love this shot. Your interpretation of the theme is fabulous but regardless it's such an arresting photograph. Just incredible. Did you do something clever and add the man afterwards or what? Or simply (!) like not simple, bend down and get the silhouette of the man with Big Ben in focus. Super stuff.

Michel Benoit said...

I do love your photo, thinking about Churchill, is'nt it ?

Hilda said...

It has the theme in its name even! Beautiful composition.

Karine said...

Brilliant photo, I love it!

Leif Hagen said...

BIG Ben is really BIG and Churchill is a BIG sculpture! Lovely composition - very artsy! (and BIG)

Jilly said...

Thanks for answering the question, Mo. Well I'm even more impressed now. Beautifully framed shot. Well done.

B SQUARED said...

Ben has never looked as good. Usually, he is surrounded in gray.

Sharon said...

Your choice is absolutely perfect.

VP said...

Love the image and the title, perfect choice for the Theme Day.

Sally said...

Ben 'n' Winnie eh! Terrific shot.

Candie said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

All ways round excellent, idea and exceution of the image. Has to be my favourite big. Sometmies you see an image and you just think, damn I wish I'd taken that.

Anonymous said...

That is a truly brilliant picture. Could be a marketing poster for London!

Luis Gomez said...

This is such a wonderful and moving image. Love seeing your images.

marley said...

I agree with B. Excellent choice.

I'll big-up your very British post!

Julie said...

excellent interpretation and we all can relate to Big Ben! it is so regal in appearance.

Mo said...

Great shot perfect for Theme Day.

Babzy.B said...

Very nice composition , well spotted :)

Tammy said...

Hi Mo
Wonderful shot. Love the contrast in the very blue background and the silhouettes of the tree and man. It's a great balance with the glowing gold of Big Ben.

Anna said...

Fabulous shot. I love how blue the sky is and how Big Ben seems to gleam.

Tussy said...

Very beautiful, I love it.

Can I take it to be my postcard?

My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
You Got A Posty

Dave said...

A great shot Mo, excellent composition.....a prize winner.

stromsjo said...

Very good. Little fluffy clouds as well, challenging our perception of your eternally lousy weather. Can't be that bad, can it?

Anonymous said...

Big Ben, the great Bell!

Aimz said...

yep those are definitely big!

Anonymous said...

**** OUT!

really cool pic, mo

¤ ¤ ¤


Anonymous said...

shades of
rene magritte cool


Hildegarde said...

Well done ! I like your other photos a lot too (like yellow shoes :-)

lunarossa said...

I agree with everybody. Fantastic shot. Ciao. A.

gogouci said...

Neat photo. Perfect for today's theme. You captured 'Big' and 'Huge'.

Blamey said...

Love it

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing shot! What a great perspective. Love the turquoise sky and the way Big Ben looks against it. Sorry I've been MIA for so long - still trying to catch up on my blog surfing!

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