I don't have any wonderful stories to tell about it, in fact I haven't been able to find much information about it at all.
Other than it was one of the original stations on the Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway, (now the Piccadilly line). Opened in 1906 and closed in 1932.
There is talk of it being reused as part of the redevelopment of Kings Cross.
subway day is a mid-month theme shared by the following blogs:
London - Paris - Stockholm - Sydney
Nice old building ,hopefully they haven't demolished it !
A station with no story - love it !
Wow - never knew (or heard of) that station!
We think our Halloween inflatables would have fit right in at the Thames festival. Some great shots recently. LOVE the October contrast theme day!
Another beautifully lit shot - well done Mo!
It seems quite a romantic place...Look at those two sweethearts!
Would love to be able to sneak inside.
Couldn't they use it for other purposes?
I bet many stories could be told about old underground stations. One personal memory that sticks in the mind is from the station on Russel Square and there old creaky lift I experienced at my first visit to London in 1970. I'm glad it has been modernized.
It looks so sad and abandoned. The Underground has lots of disused lines and stations - maybe they should all be brought back into action.
I didn't even know this station existed! Great shot of it.
There are any number of these kind of places. I only recently found out about the abandoned Mayfield station next to Piccadilly in Manchester - did a post about it on my Ackworthborn blog.
I love the building, would love to look around inside of it.
Call me wierd but I'd love to have a look around these old stations, especially underground!
What a lovely building and the photo is capturing it just beautifully. It also looks like the couple is waiting for the next train to come in...
Hi! You have to go to AĆnt Nothin But A Blues Bar at Kingley Street, Soho if you not have been there! Great blues every night and it´s for free! Give my regards to London, i love London! Cheers!
It's good that these closed underground stations are still standing; it would be a shame for them to be knocked down. I don't think re-opening them will be a good way to spend tax-payers money (i'd assume it would cost quite a bit to get it up and running again)..at least that's what Boris would say!
A nice shot with a beautiful building, and a good composition and light.
I used to live quite close to it and would love it if it were used again.
Have you seen the empty station at Marlborough road whose platform can still be glimpsed if you take the Met line from Baker St to Finchley Road?
Sorry, missed the day again, was away! Will try better in November! :-)
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