
Friday 23 October 2009

Skywatch Friday - Twighlight

Twightlight bouncing of an English townhouse.

I am still experiencing computer problems. I will catch up with everyone soon.

In the meantime checkout all the skywatchers around the world


jabblog said...

Beautiful photograph, Mo! It captures defiance in the face of faded grandeur.

Mike's Travels said...

I love this shot!

Candie said...

I really like that one

Maria Grazia said...

I love your skywatch Fridays! This pic is awesome! HAve a nice weekend , Mo.

Tanya Breese said...

I like this a lot! Have a great weekend!

Stefan Jansson said...

That's a good one.

Andrea P said...

This is a wonderful photo! I love the contrast of the peeling paint and the flower box. The beautiful reflected sky is an awesome perspective, too. You have a great eye!

Anna said...

Oh, I want a copy of this shot. It is wonderful and I think I could look at it all day. Thank you for posting it.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

i love reflections

× × ×


Luis Gomez said...

Very nice shot. I hope you solve your computer problems.

Rustan said...

Nice photoshot! I like your site! And i like London!

Lizzie Tallis said...

Hi!! I really love your blog and the photos you share.
They´re really good.
When I watch the photos, it makes me remember how magical is London.

Good luck with computer problems.

Anonymous said...

Computers = problems

There is a lot in that photo

Aimz said...

love the reflection on the window against the geraniums

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

A terrific shot. It made me think about how we see things but don't take the time to look deeper such as the reflection of the sky in the window. Your blog has made himself and me book our first trip to London in years. After the half term madness has gone, we'll be off being tourists there and I am so excited about it all. Thanks Hen!

Babzy.B said...

Great light and reflection , i like the composition !

Jenny Woolf said...

Amazing pink light

marley said...

That is just lovely. Lots of wonderful textures and great light. Nice job Mo :)

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