
Wednesday 7 October 2009

Some Days are Just Grey

The London of its reputation. Some days are just like this so find a nice museum. Not a bad view though. Taken from the (grey) Lloyds building. The one that looks like giant cork screws and houses (or used to) loads of city bankers.


Lucy Corrander said...

This to me is London.

Festivals are a new London. Still London - but different.

Grew up in London. It wasn't as fun or as beautiful then - but this photo makes me feel nostalgic.


Babzy.B said...

I like the photos of the roofs very much , i'm impressed by the numbers of cranes !!!

Mara said...

Apart from the buildings and cranes it looks much like the Netherlands right now: wet and grey!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

and we're enjoying 30 degree sunshine today in SA.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this shot. The roofs and cranes. And yes, that is probably the image I have of London in my mind. Thanks for you colorful photos.

Sharon said...

I've always wanted to visit the Lloyd's Building, but thought you couldn't go into the building unless you worked there. You sure captured a fabulous view.

B SQUARED said...

A cork screw building housing bankers, very appropriate.

Anna said...

For some reason I feel the need to break out into a rendition of Chim Chimney.

Maria Grazia said...

I love London even in its most typical all-grey look. I don't want to make you envious but today it is like summer here in Italy: sunshine and 28 degree temperature.

Anonymous said...

i like it

× × ×


Anonymous said...

Regardless of the grey it still holds its own beauty. Beautiful shot along with the cranes and all, love the buildings.

Ken Mac said...

i love London and this brings me back.

nav said...

Nice pic, the cranes add a little extra dimension to the skyline. It's almost as if they belong there permanently!

Anonymous said...

really great pic!

IleDuLevant said...

One of the post-modern conceits of the Lloyd's Building is its use of permanently-installed, blue 'cranes', which are actually fixtures to facilitate window cleaning and other maintenance.
Lloyd's is always keen to stress that it is separate from the City's bankers: it is a market-place for highly-specialised insurance, evolved from shipping insurance. One of the items on permanent display is The Loss Book, with an entry for the sinking of the Titanic.
Open House in September usually allows entry inside, including the Georgian (yes, that's right) Adam Room.
Hope all that is of interest.

The Lone Beader® said...

Luckily there are many nice museums in London!! :)

Anonymous said...

great pic and oh, try it in b&w! :)

Anonymous said...

Best things about a cool grey day:

warm sweaters, matinees, hot cups of tea, long scarves, a fat dogeared paperback, the buzz of music and conversation in a restaurant, soft yellow lights, chocolates

London hotels said...

Nice фото. Я вижу, что многие здания в Лондоне. Моя подруга была в Лондоне, прежде чем пару месяцев тщательного последней поездки минуту. Он показал мне солнечный Лондоне, а не серый.

London hotels said...

Nice photo. I see there are many building in London. My friend was was in London before couple months thorough last minute travel. He showed me sunny London, not gray.

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