Regent's St and St Paul's also had celebrity switching on ceremonies at the same time. So lots more treats in store for you.
While on the Disney theme, Walt Disney Resort in Florida is looking for a twin town in the UK. If you think your town fits the bill then visit here. You might also win a trip.
Today is the last day to enter my competition. Winners announced tomorrow!
Stunning lights.
In early November? Scary!
Isn't it a little too early?
Beautiful. Wish I could have been there to see it!
Lovely, lovely umbrellas.
Twinned with Disney? I can imagine many towns would like to be twinned with it - but not be a twin of it!
wonderful lights!
Those are lovely lights...and look at all those buses!!!
Xmas lights?!? Already? Incredible London. I knew Jim Carey was playing Scrooge for a new Walt Disney film. So, it is going to come out at Xmas... Thanks, Mo!
A bit early but nice none-the-less.
Are those umbrellas picked because the weather is expected to be foul for until Christmas?
They look really nice though and I can't wait to see them for myself!
Is it that time already??
I saw the council starting to put up lights in Watford a couple weeks ago!
Neat lights! I love how whimsical they are.
A bit early for my taste, but they are beautiful!
Love that color of blue that the sky is!
Very nice, but a bit too early for me....
Well, some shops here in Stavanger have also started selling x-mas stuff, but I guess Christmas is coming earlier and earlier each year.
Oh thank you for posting this!I miss the lightnings of London!That town at Christmas time is wonderful.
What fabulous lights. I love them - so different to the normal strings. Original. Makes me think of Mary Poppins rather than Dickens!
Jim Carrey is full of surprises and the entire movie is a theatrical outburst of his talent, under the brilliant direction of Robert Zemeckis. Brilliant because it manages to make take the Dickens story and walk us through all its dimensions, without fear of sadness and, in the same time, he has the cold blood to use the magic wand for a happy end. I wasn't a big 3D fan until this movie, maybe because I didn't see any possibility to enrich the classical format, perfect as it became with the years... 'A Christmas Carol' gains a lot from 3D being a sensorial experience enhanced by IMAX technology. watch free movies
All in all, it's not a story for kids, because it's rather disturbing and contemplative. Gary Oldman's pointing finger will stay with you for a while... It's an enchanting story and I encourage you to go and see it.
Wonderful Umbrellas..
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