
Friday, 27 November 2009


As promised the next few days will be pictures of the Lord Mayor's Parade.
Here a glimpse of the traditional finery.


Jenny Woolf said...

Oh no! I forgot to go! I had intended to see the Lord mayor's parade this year.

Babzy.B said...

what a helmet !!

Gunn said...

Yes, what a helmet!! :-)

Kate said...

So much pagantry!

Tanya Breese said...

Great photo! I wonder why they wore the strap like that? It doesn't seem very effective, but the helmet is ornate!

Anna said...

It doesn't seem to fit quite right does it? The finery looks like something right out of a children's book with the crazy helmeted man as the bad guy. Bet the parade was fun to watch!

Lizzie Tallis said...

Beatiful photo!!
Is the building "the Royal Courts of Justice"???

It seems to me.

Hilda said...

Like Tanya, I've always wondered about the strap being worn just under the lip — doesn't look very comfortable.

Funky helmet. Love the purple horse tail though (what do you call them?).

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