Ok, so you all think it is too early for Xmas lights. Then I will save them until next week. Perhaps a view of the Tower of London across the Thames.
Temperatures are dropping. It's getting dark earlier. I'm off to take some new pictures for you before it gets too dark.
Hi Mo, I just wondered if you'd seen the Cities in Motion contest on Pikeo? http://www.pikeo.com/ I am sure you'd win hands down with some of your pics although the prize isn't much to write home about, I guess it would be nice to get the kudos. But perhaps you already know about it.
When I first arrived in London, and specifically, the Tower, I couldn't figure out what they fed the crows to make them so big. And them someone told me they were ravens... Sigh. Sometimes I feel so stupid.
The Tower is one place that I would only ever visit during the day. If there's one place in the world that's really haunted, I'll bet the Tower is it.
The last time I was in London, I stayed at an apartment at Tea Trade Wharf and the apartment had a similar view, juat a little bit further down the river. We could see Tower Bridge to our right and the Tower of London just beyond. It was such a great place to stay.
Wonderful shot and far more 'in-season' than yesterday's.
I love how the boats are all lined up drawing my attention again and again. I really want to study the tower, but I can't seem to look away from that red boat.
Beautiful. Great sight! Love it. Waiting for your new shots, then!
beautifully so
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Classic London photo. Love it!
I am charmed with his your photographies. They are very nice.
Thank you for signing
Beautiful photo!!
Winter is coming at the city.
Beautiful view !
Beautiful shot. I love the cloudy light.
Oh please wait! I'm not a fan of early Christmas decorations but I love this view of Big Ben. I also like seeing the barges.
Amongst all your wonderful photos (don't know how you can keep churning them out!) your river ones are especially remarkable.
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