
Friday 25 December 2009

Mid-Winter Dip

An alternative to slaving over a hot stove basting the turkey. This hardy bunch elected to go for an early morning swim in the Serpentine (a lake in Hyde Park).
What quirky activities happen in your region on Xmas Day?


Mike's Travels said...

I prefer to be in the warm with a turkey....Happy Christmas!

Kate said...

There are a number of brave? (foolhardy?) souls who waterski on the Mississipi River, in wet suits, but...why?!

The Lone Beader® said...

Here, there is a group of people who do a New Year's Day swim in the Boston Harbor. Not my idea of fun!

jkatze said...

We do this in Russia on Epiphany - Jan. 18th :)

Leif Hagen said...

Wow - that's a refreshing, invigorating, eye-opening way to spend part of Christmas DAy! They look like Polar bears. We'll be sledding on the snow behind Grandma & Grandpa's house today!

Babzy.B said...

Wow , definitely not for me ;) what fun it was to see them, did you have a quick swim too ?

chrome3d said...

Wonderful action shot. So much people going back and forth.

Snow shoveling probably is the thing here. I went to the gym too. That´s about it for me.

Anonymous said...

we baste
our turkey
and laugh at quirky activities elsewhere ;)


× × ×


Anonymous said...

Hi Mo,

What a great picture! I love the legs sticking out of the water! All different ages shapes and sizes - the way it should be. They look like they are having so much fun. Very nice here in Montreal today.

Thanks for sharing this London moment with us.

Cheers and all the best to you!

Aimz said...

oooh that looks cold - you wouldn't get me in there! Quirky things here...hmm well since we have summer at this time of year i guess you'd consider it strange that spend alot of time at the beach.

Sally said...

Now I'm the first to love a swim, but this is sheer madness!! Love it, and glad you were there to catch the scene.
Hope you had a fabulous Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Crazy people! :)

Anonymous said...

Crazy people! :)

wajer said...

That is really good photo!

Rob Siemann said...

Pretty much the same here, they swim across the old port. But then it is much warmer here.

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