
Friday, 26 February 2010

Raincoat Day

A perfect day for camera raincoat, dozens of umbrellas to battle with in the streets.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that umbrellas are getting bigger, especially in small spaces.


G said...

I think the umbrella thing must be one of Murphy's Laws. That the bigger your umbrella is, the less space you'll have to use it properly. :)

Babzy.B said...

nice rainy shot , love the scene , i don't like big umbrellas in town , specially in our narrow streets !Rainy day today here too !

Anonymous said...

Ages ago when "Victory Garden" used to come on in their very early days, they often visited a gardner in England. And I was always amazed at the amount of rain they had there. I would not like it much.

Karine said...

This is a great photo, I love how that red umbrella stands out and look at the size of those lions!

As for umbrella size, yes, they are gettin bigger and I am one of the people following that trend. I hate getting soaked by the rain, especially if I'm heading out somewhere, so I use a mid-sized umbrella. Bigger than a small purse sized one, but one size below a golf umbrella.

Nicole said...

Awe man, every time I look at your blog I add "MUST save money to go back tO London!" to my to do list!

Mara said...

Perhaps people are thinking parasols are big, so why not umbrellas?

Liesl said...

Man, umbrellas are getting HUGE. Too big, in fact. I hate the ones that are like 6 feet in diameter. Is getting wet really that big of a nuisance?

B SQUARED said...

I've noticed the same thing here.

PhotoPuddle said...

Big umbrella's in crowded places REALLY annoy me.

But I am not an umbrella person. It really has to be pouring down before I put up and umbrella. It's only water after all!

Jenny Woolf said...

All gadgets seem to be getting bigger. Some toasters are nearly as big as the whole kitchen! and I think umbrellas just follow the trend.

Anonymous said...
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Sharon said...

I love this shot. It makes me think of a short trip I took to London about 10 years ago. It was only 5 days and I think it rained every day.

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