
Sunday, 7 March 2010


Terrified more than scared. I still can't believe I took this picture. Maggie (yes this spider even has a name) eats things the same size as her. However she makes humans like me run in fear.

Maggie lives at London Zoo in Regent's Park if you feel inclined to pay her a visit.


Bill said...

Where is the big fly-swat when you need it?

H said...

Many years ago, I held a spider this size as part of a school assembly. Her name was Goldilocks because the tips of all of her jet black hairs were golden. She was surprisingly heavy.

Leif Hagen said...

Yikes!!!! That just creeps me out!

Mara said...

Oh, she looks lovely! Although I wouldn't want to find her in my room though...

Kate said...

Creepy Crawlers despite being scary can be quite beautiful, as is this specimen. Our dog is named Maggi, and what a difference between the two. Our Maggi receives lots of pats and love!

Karine said...

Ugh, koodos to you for being able to take that picture, I wouldn't even have been able to get close!!!

Anna said...

I don't think you'd get me within a 1000 feet of her. Kudos to you for pulling off the shot.

Wayne said...


jennyfreckles said...

If you can bear to look, she's actually rather attractive - but I wouldn't like to find her in my bananas!

Jenny Woolf said...

Urgh! just pretend it is a plastic one - that's my advice...

Babzy.B said...

Maggie is a kind of beauty but i think i couldn't take her in my hand !!!!

Chuck Pefley said...

Named after Princess Margaret, no doubt! Better you than me ... although I assume this is not your hand ...

The Lone Beader® said...

I am not a fan! said...

Very courageous. I want to try it too.

Anonymous said...

i eat


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