
Saturday, 10 April 2010


I love seeing fruits and vegetables in their right season. We have become so used to buying everything all year round that it loses something don't you think?
Fresh dates are beginning to appear in markets at present. The first time I saw dates like these I wondered what they were.
Crunchy dates! A bit of research and I now know that dates have four ripening stages. This is the second stage known as khabal. They will soften a bit from this stage and become sweeter and darker in colour. Although unless properly dried they will only keep a couple of weeks.


Karine said...

Wow, I had no clue there were several ripening stages for dates! When I first saw the photo on my blog roll I thought they were eggs!!! lol

alestedemadrid said...

I´ve seen these dates still on the tree but I didn´t know it was possible to eat them before they are dark brown. I have to try one.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

This is also something new to me !! Beautiful information !!

Rachel Cotterill said...

Can you eat them in that stage...? I have no idea. I haven't seen them fresh like that.

jennyfreckles said...

New to me too - I wonder what they taste like? Did you try them?

Mara said...

Eggs on a stick is what I thought. I wouldn't even know what to do with these dates!

Hilda said...

And I thought dates were always dark. Learn something new everyday.

misayamamoto said...

Thanks for dropping by!
I'd never really seen dates before - very interesting!

The Lone Beader® said...

I have never seen a date in this state before either. I thought they automatically came packaged dried and dark colored. LOL

Anonymous said...

Although it is true that all dates go through stages before they are fully ripe, they are usually too hard and bitter to eat at the "yellow" stage.
One type of middle eastern date locally called "Berhi" become brown gradualy so are sometimes half brown and half yellow, but are actually ripe and sweet while still firm and yellow coloured, these look like this type.

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