
Friday, 9 April 2010

The Girls

Artists in residence at Selfridges Ultralounge (lower ground floor) The Girls in collaboration with the photographers gallery and Selfridges are redefining the photo story. Editors-in-chief they'll prepare three issues of 'The Paper Eaters' a publication shot in and around Selfridges aided by professional contributors and maybe you too if you get yourself down there.
On until 29 April.

5 comments: said...

So cute!

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely shot! Pink it is.

Leif Hagen said...

Ou la la! Quite the PINK hairdos!

Sharon said...

Cute girls....even cuter photo!

Gunn said...

VERY pink-nice and FUNNY!!
I will not have the opportunity at Selfridges, but I will visit LONDON (and the Photographers Gallery etc.) in May..... I look forward to that!:-)

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