You knew that right?
Ha - but did you know that Laura Croft Tomb Raider was filmed here in 2001. Or that Wolf Man was filmed here. How about The Mummy Returns or Spooks. Well now you do. Drop that bit of trivia into your next conversation about the place.
wat a fine pic!
Another landmark in London that I have to visit one day.
Hi Mo, After reading your postive comments about the brit movies tour a few weeks ago, I organized a trip to London with Notting Hill Tour for last Tuesday and it was absolutely fab. Thanks very much for your suggestion. Ciao. A.
Great photo! It's quite an impressive collection of buildings. Naval personnel posted here think themselves very fortunate.
I can tell there is a clock on the left but can't make out what is on the right tower.
I didn't know any of it. ;-) Thanks!
What a great photo! I had no idea that so many movies had been filmed there!
Great photo. I love Greenwich!
I love the Greenwich area but I didn't realise so many cool films were filmed there!
I recognized Greenwich as the setting of some bits of Spooks 7 but I've never seen Tomb Raider or the other movies you mentiones so... Thanks for informing us, Mo!
One point, it's Lara Croft, not Laura Croft.
Great pic though.
Thats really great location for wedding as well as movie shots.This is one of the best wedding venues in watford. This place provides a great beauty to the nature.
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