There's major road works taking place near where I live. At first it was the impressive machinery that caught my attention. Some of it looks as though it should be in a quarry not on London streets. Once I decided to take a few pictures and engaged in conversation with the crew I gained a new respect for what these guys actually do. They're working nights so as to reduce the disruption to us all, generally 12hr shifts. Tight deadlines.
This machine is controlled by 2 men. It chops up the road surface which gets loaded into trucks and taken away to be recycled.
Nice to see they also use a wooden rule - just to check!! Well done lads.
I like this shot. It made me think of the time I took my dad to London. We were walking down a street and suddenly he wasn't beside me. I looked back and he was having a conversation with some street works chaps about how they were using a torch to dry the pavemenet before they painted some stripes. My dad was always interested in the details.
You always get some interesting little tidbit to share.
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