Want to have a go at this old and very British hobby? Coming into existence during the 17th century. A sturdy piece of paper is placed over a brass plaque then rubbed with a treated wax.
Want to give it a try? The crypt in
St-Martin-in the-Fields church (near Trafalgar Square) has 90 brass replicas for you to choose from.
Such pretty colours on an intricate design. Stopping the paper moving around can be quite challenging! We have two framed rubbings we and our children did umpteen years ago. I think we did them in Windsor.
Looks really nice, but I may rather go to St-Martin-in-the -Fileds for a concet!
I've never seen that before. Must be similar to rubbing a pencil on paper that is on top of something. Lots of kids do that here.
Never tried this but it looks lots of fun
I have taken kids into churchyards to do brass rubbings on some of the very old gravestones. We've also done bark rubbings to find the different textures. It's great fun.
Looks like a very diligent work :-D
Great hobby.
So intricate. Must take some time to get all of the individual colors done properly.
Like this shot !
so interesting
Did one at a church in Norfolk yonks ago - still got it somewhere.
I'd be there like a shot - love this.
What an intricate pattern in the image.
«Louis» would like to try this.
Quite intersting.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Never even heard of brass rubbing. Certainly looks interesting from your photo :-)
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