Much of the building materials, including huge steel girders, arrive via the river on equally huge barge. The barges need to be anchored into place for unloading and this needs two anchors per barge. One anchor in the river and one on the riverbank when the tide allows. As you can see when an anchor is on the riverbank it makes an excellent seat for a quick phone call.
OK, I'll be rude. 'Typical English worker, sitting down on the phone' - sorry, couldn't resist.
Do you think he's ordering a pizza?
...or placing a bet on England for the world cup?
I'm impressed they're building a new tube station. And not an extension in the suburbs; but a new one in the midst of the old. And a walk under the Thames to boot. Wow.
Nice backdrop!
i love your serie men at work , this one is pretty good !!
It seems that he enjoys his work. Lunchtime?
Wow - the size of that anchor!!
Love this photo :-)
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