The display will be there until 31 August. On Friday 20th at 15:52 Churchill's famous speech ‘Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few’ will be read. Around the same time there will be a fly-past over Whitehall of spitfires and hurricanes.
awesome shot.
ooo too bad I can't attend it, damn work!
Still a magic moment when you see and hear one of these flying.
Barry has a friend who is very involved in restoring Spitfires. I'm quite sure he'll be there on Friday. Wish I could be!
This is so cool!. What a great idea.
Very cool well to celebrate and remember history.
I saw one in the air last week. Distinctive aircraft!
I'm looking forward to the event later on in the month at the RAF Museum, where you'll be able to get up close and personal with a whole bunch of these old aircraft :)
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