An evening stroll along Regents Canal. Wondering if there is any truth in the rumour that the boating clubs use Canadian Geese as floating perimeter guards. According to wikipedia these geese were first introduced in Britain in the late 17th century as an addition to
King James II's waterfowl collection in
St. James's Park.
It looks as calm as a millpond. It was very calm here in Berkshire. Today it's windy and sunny.
Just lovely!
In South Africa we have Egyptian geese that even terrify my two terrifying scotties. So I imagine Canadian ones must also make good guards.A lovely pastel view of Regents Canal.
Nice shot Mo. If you want any more geese just let us know. We'll probably ship them to you free. :-)
Hmm, Canadian Geese as perimeter guards? Never head of that. I know that loons will do a heck of a job if you get close to them while they have their babies out with them though. Maybe Canadian Geese are the same? lol being Canadian, you'd think I'd know, but they've never seemed overly territorial to me and mix well with other waterfowl from what I've seen!
Very 'painterly' shot, love the boats, Mo.
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