
Friday, 15 October 2010

Bright Sheep

No they haven't been to school. They're racing around town showing us how great we can look in woollies.
It's all part of wool fashion week (11-17 Oct). Prince Charles is leading the campaign. Support British farmers, wear something eco-friendly an alternative to throw-away garments.
And look out for sheep all week.


  1. I thought I recognized Charles.

  2. This is so perfect! Great campaign.

  3. Sounds like a great campaign. Loving the pink sheep and giggling a bit as I imagine what all the other sheep must be thinking about this one.

  4. God knows I dig this concept, being a knitter & all!!!! This is awesome, and I fully support this campaign. Plus it's an awesome picture!

  5. This makes me remember one of those obscure childhood memories that pop up from time to time. I remember my mother showing me an ad in a magazine for wool that showed a field of sheep and each one was a different color and pattern. The one the stands out in my mind was plaid. I remember asking my mother if sheep really grew that way.

  6. LOL brilliant shot, I love it!!!

  7. Funny photo for an important message. We have to protect the world, the life of our children.



    [Barcelona Daily Photo]

  8. God missed a trick in not creating pink sheep.

  9. hmm - that sheep looks a bit like Charles

  10. haha Prince Charles is heading the campaign! if i were trying to head a campaign to motive people to do anything prince Charles in the guy who i would picture as a great motiver!

  11. I would love to see Prince Charles wearing a pink jumper, but sadly he wouldn't have the balls to wear it in public!

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