
Thursday, 28 October 2010

Just hold it there

The Serpentine in Hyde Park without too many tourists. Is she really taking a cell phone picture of the runner?


Luis Gomez said...

Love this shot! Very urban.

Anna said...

I'm fascinated by the stillness on the right and the movement on the left. It's almost like two photos merged into one.

Caroline said...

Well - I think I would have too!

B SQUARED said...

She's probably just checking the weather.

Karine said...

Hey, anything can make a good picture! Another great motion shot on your behalf!

Mo said...

I can assure you Anna it is not two pictures merged together. This is as it really was on the day.

Chris said...

That was a highlight of my trip to England in May, running in Hyde Park. And I ran along there too...though as far as I know, no one took my photograph. LOL!

H said...

She's probably a foreign tourist sending a picture back home with a comment about the idiocy of the English, running in the pouring rain!

Bitch said...

Strange photo..
Its raining in London and raining
in Greece (how strange too)!!

Anonymous said...

carpe diem da più parti. ciao elisabetta

Carraol said...

Great catch and a splendid composition! I guess is aiming a little to the right.

William K Wallace said...

Maybe the woman has some sort of sick fetish for joggers and has a wall in her house covered in pictures of them. There is a lot of strange and crazy people in Lonodn...

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