Last night daylight saving ended and the clocks went back to GMT. The usual round of debates about whether or not we should stay on daylight saving permanently. "No, it costs too much" says one politician, "it is better for the economy to stay in bed". The sheep in Scotland don't like it. Who polled them I want to know. Boris (our current mayor) argues in favour of retaining daylight saving, to give Londoners a better quality of life.
Cherie Blair got in on the time piece as well this week. She sold the watch that Silvio Berlusconi gave Tony on e-bay for £98.
The Mapplin and Webb clock above once graced the front of the Victorian building at 1 Poultry. It now graces the lift lobby of the glass and steel building built in its place.
Another view of time:
The fundamental problem with time is that it produces a lot of crap. We're not just another group of activists out there bulldozing our way through everything to get what we want. No. We are true believers in our cause. And we believe in everything that is durable.
The Time proof Association believes in beauty and the sense behind all things that stand the test of time. We are against fads and "here today gone tomorrow", banal, superficial fashions that take away our most precious possession; time.
1. We fight against time because Time destroys everything.
2. We refuse to be slaves to the monotonous tick-tock of time.
3. We will not use ephemeral elements whilst time continues to inexorably bring all things to an end.
4. We were not born to resist the passage of time; we were born to overcome it.
Therefore we invite you to join us and unite our forces together to combat this scourge called time.
Time proof yourself!
Fascinating video - I bet they had a lot of fun making it :-)
This is really beautiful! Thanks for the link.
Lovely clock. We don't change back until next week. And I'd just assume stay on day light savings.
Great video lol As for us, we turn the clocks back next week. I enjoy it just because I get an extra hour of sleep and also because I can't stand waking up in the dark, it makes it so much more brutal...
MA รจ VERO.....non ci credo.....bella trovata .....ciao elisabetta
I like your vision, a very interesting post ! :)
In NA we've moved the switch to sometime in November. Don't ask me when in Nov. I don't remember. The Spring date has been moved too.
Canada had to do it, the U.S. made us. :-)
Is that true about Cherie Blair?? Crazy! I like that photo and I really wish there was no daylght savings in the UK. I much prefer BST.
I don't know what all the fuss is about, the clocks go back and then they go forward, we should be used to it by now! People just need to accept it and get on with it.
And who cares about Boris, the UK is made up of more than just London, but maybe he doesn’t know that!
Don't you just love that goof ball Cherie, maybe she just wants some more cheap publicity...
I want to apologise for not visiting often nowadays. For most of the time I haven't been able to reach your blog at all. Just in the last few minutes I have arrived five times but without the pictures showing. I like your photos and am disappointed I can't reach the blog properly. Clearly other people are accessing it because there are comments here so it must be something at my end - though have no idea what because I'm using a different computer and still can't get through properly.
I'll continue trying from time to time. Meanwhile - best wishes!
Love the video - what fun!!!
That's funny, here in Germany the debate is wether or not we should get rid of daylight saving time, not stay on it permanently. I'm all for that, why do we need an extra hour of daylight so bad? It's natural that days are short during winter, why meddle with that?
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