
Thursday, 11 November 2010

Just One of Those Days

Pouring with rain, the tubes are on strike, the Boris bike stand near me is locked and I can't get a bike out and the taxi got a flat!

Actually I made that up. Well not really. You see they all did happen. Just not today. Well actually not all exactly on the same day. They did all happen. I just rearranged the order. Well you do don't you when it's one of those days. Hope I haven't jinxed my train today.

I'm buzzing off for a few days. Not cold enough here thought I'd head north just to feel some real cold. Goodness this doesn't sound very jolly does it. I am jolly though in case you're wondering. Thanks for asking.
I will leave you with a few glimpses of London while I'm gone.


  1. Sounds like a good day to stay in bed.

  2. Glad you're jolly and that you weren't stuck with all that on the same day :o) Have a nice trip!

  3. Have a nice trip to the cold North :)

  4. Oooh. How north is north? English north, Scotland north or Scandanavia north? Wherever you are bound, have fun and wrap up warm :)
