
Saturday, 27 November 2010

Men at Work #30

The dressing room of a Covent Garden performer.
The history of street performers in Covent Garden goes back to the 1600's. It is now one of the most prized spots in the world to perform. To get a spot on this patch you must pass an audition, pay a heft licence fee and be good at pulling the crowds in. Your time slot is generally only 40 minutes.


  1. Getting ready. Thanks for the info.

  2. I love this shot! I also love this area. It's so full of life!

  3. Are they given much in the way of money? I see there is 20% off JOY!!!

  4. What a fascinating post! I didn't know they auditioned, paid, were limited to 40 minutes or that they'd been around since the 17th century!!!
