
Thursday, 25 November 2010

Student Protests

Thousands of students protested yesterday in the second day of action against education cuts and increases in tuition fees.


  1. glad you ye got a bit of the action.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I watched the news on tv. We are interested in the action.

  4. Now here is a march I might have walked in myself. Just a few days ago I was arguing the same thing with someone with quite the opposite opinion.

  5. It seems so unfair - elder son started uni this Sept; tuition fees just over 3000/yr. Younger son due to start in 2012. Tuition fees potentially triple that! (AND he won't get EMA next year because it's being scrapped!)

  6. Let's hope they don't try and kill anyone by throwing another fire extinguisher.

  7. This issue is same in many countries. Hope the Government looks after education is the prime factor for an individual!thanks for sharing this info!

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  8. Love the banner -- education most definitely should be a right not just a privilege. Yet, so many times it is the first thing to be cut back.

  9. I did think about climbing on top of the van that the police conveniently left on Whitehall to show my support for the students, but alas there wasn't a ladder to get me up there!

  10. Nice shot Mo! I quite support the students in this action. We love to mock them and make a joke of it but the fact of the matter is that the poorest and most vulnerable communities in England are going to suffer because of this.

    It reminds me of the student protests in South Africa in the early 90s.

  11. stesso scenario qui in italia.ciao elisabetta
