An ancient right dating back to the middle ages allowing the freemen of London city to drive sheep over London Bridge free of charge was exercised by the
Lime Street Ward Club in aid of the
Red Cross on Saturday. All freemen were invited to the special event where this special breed of sheep "
stufftus onwheelera lifesizium" crossed the bridge finishing with a race at twightlight. In addition to the fastest sheep awards were also given to best of breed and the highly coveted black sheep award.
Courtesy of host
Louis La Vache visit other
Sunday Bridges
Little Bow Beep has found her sheep
Hmmm... is it an ancient rite or right? :-D What a great special breed of sheep! Being born in the Year of the Sheep I sure hope I never get Stufftus! :-D
Very cute sheep! They seem to be the non-grass eating variety!
Very funny! Love it for the bridge series. :D
Wonderful! Funny sheep.
You started my day with a good laugh and I thank you for that.
This is one way to keep the sheep towing the line!
It seems a good compromise to use 'artificial' sheep. Great fun!
What a great photo this is...quite unique to see such a sight!
i think
it is nice
that these folks
give their tired dollys
little green dollies to ride on
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LOVE this post! And the official Latin name of this breed of sheep made me laugh! :)
What great fun! Love it. Thanks.
You are extraordinarily clever at knowing about such events and then managing to be there!
o they should have done it with real sheep (bet health & safety wouldn't let them!)
Those sheeps look so real. I like the way and the colours you caught the sky.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
Imagine someone visiting the city for the first time and witnessing this lol.
I'm always amused by these traditions that have strong links to the past.
stufftus onwheelera lifesizium Bwaahahahahahaha. That is too funny.
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