
Friday, 10 December 2010

Continuing Student Protests

Yesterday was the controversial vote in Westminster that passed an increase in students fees.


  1. Did I hear right that the royal family was attacked? I hope there were no casualties. Great shot in black and white!

  2. So okay... being an American, I was a little shocked by the outrage by protesters about raising university fees to closer to $14,000 a year. My education cost me $30,000 a year for 4 years for university... and that wasn't even a "top" school! I think they still have it pretty good!

  3. What a brilliant photo! You are walways in the right places Mo. I lvoe that you did this one in black and white as it picks up on the idea that this could have been history in the making.

  4. Great photo! I'm certainly glad the students made their feelings known.

  5. Here in America tuition is so much higher it is difficult for us to understand the protests. However, I understand that the U.K. doesn't have the system of grants and student loans that we have. It would be an extreme shock to the pocket book I think.

  6. Anna, we do have means-tested student loans.
    This looks like one of the more peaceful protests.

  7. Disgusted about the rise in tuition fees, but also disgusted by the behaviour of some protestors!

  8. Great shot! yes, the price of education will increase along with EVERYTHING else as long as we expect the government to subsidize us.

  9. Great photo, there is such feeling and emotion in this. You are a fantastic photographer and like someone else said previously you seem to be in just the perfect spot at just the perfect time.

  10. I have been quite dismayed to hear how bad the protests have been. Setting fire to a giant Christmas tree and attacking Prince Charles and his wife who have absolutely nothing to do with the situation seems ridiculous and pointless. I hope the authorities manage to get a handle on the situation soon.

  11. Soon internet is the only choice for "poor" people to educate, educate themselves. Autodidacts.

  12. Great capture!
    It's such a pity that presumably intelligent people have not fully read and understood the issue of the rise in tuition fees.
    If they ever do finally understand they will feel ashamed of their actions.

  13. It is sad that the attack on the royals (yes unwarrented and reprehensible) is used by the press and the authorities to demonise the whole of the protesters the vast majority of whom did not and do not condone such action.

  14. Wishing you all the very best, courage, calm and patience to get through this.

    Over here, further demonstrations are planned throughout the whole new week.

    A good Sunday for you.

    daily athens

  15. i undersatnd quiet well the students and give them my support ! :)
