
Wednesday, 1 December 2010

December Theme Day - Time

Today is post 1000 for aglimpseoflondon.
As the first of the month it is also theme day for CDP bloggers this month is time. So I did a little research to see what happened in London 1000 years ago.

What I found was that a bloke who became known as St Edmund the Martyr who was king of East Anglia, becoming a saint shortly after his death in 869 he died in battle fighting the heathens. As was the case in these days bodies of the dead were frequently moved to keep them safe or in one piece. Well it appears that in the year 1010 his body was carried through creplegate (later spelled cripplegate) on route to St Gregory's Church.

Cripplegate was one of the gates in London wall, which I discovered stood on the part of London Wall Rd where it intersects Wood Rd. This now leads into the Barbican Estate.

Just inside the Barbican at this point stands St Giles Church. You were wondering how I was going to weave my photo into this story weren't you. St Giles church was originally built in 1090, named after the patron saint of cripples and beggars. They all hung out around this part of the city, hence the name of the this gate in the wall.
Much of this area was heavily bombed in the WWII. Amazingly St Giles survived.

To see how others have interpreted Time
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Congratulations on your 1000th post! I love your posts and learn something new on a regular basis. I definitely realise I've only seen glimpses of London so far.

    On to the next 1000!

  2. Congratulations on #1000, Mo! **throws confetti** As always, your photos aren't just captivating, they also tell a story (and have a bit of a story to go with them). I love how the church looks so old as it's surrounded by so much modernity. Wonderful pic!

  3. Congrats!And what a pic!

  4. Nice--I like the free associations that often come with theme days, and yours is certainly a doozy! And congrats on 1000 posts!

  5. Congratulations! Great job. Please keep them coming.

  6. You did a lot of research for this one! I remember walking around the Barbican area and seeing remnants of the old Roman Wall. I missed the great old church entirely.

  7. Congratulations on your M post.

  8. Congratulations and wonderful church and story! I must see it!

  9. Congratulations and wonderful church and story! I must see it!

  10. that was such an interesting take on the theme!

  11. 1000 posts -- what an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations.

  12. Congratulations and I look forward to the next 1000!

  13. Interesting history, and congratulations on 1000 posts!

  14. 1000th post - well done! Great photo too

  15. Lovely pic, interesting story - and congratulations on your 1000th post! I'm glad I found your blog, it's one of my favourites.

  16. That's a great double, congrats and all that. I'd love to say it gets easier ;-)

  17. congrats, mo,
    umm, many mo!

    beauty contrasts in this pic(!)

    × × ×


  18. Congrats on the 1000th post. Looking forward to the next 1000 and all the interesting info and sights that you give us.

  19. Congratulations on # 1000. Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration. Lovely photo!

  20. What a fascinating post and perfect for Time - and doubly interesting. Many congatulations on your 1000th post. I always enjoy your blog and your photos. Bravo Mo!

  21. congratulations.ciao elisabetta

  22. Congratulations on your 1000th post!

  23. Congratulations, MO!:)
    Well done, or more correctly; VERY WELL DONE!
