
Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Forces

Ravens and geese the bully boys of the lake keeping an eye on anyone who ventures near.


RJ said...

Do you also have swans in the lake?

jabblog said...

They certainly can be fearsome.

Leif Hagen said...

The geese are handsome, the raven - not so much!

Caroline said...

They do look very smart and well dressed.

Sy said...

i love your wildfowl shots!

RedPat said...

Those Canadian Geese look quite well fed - must be enjoying London!

Karine said...

Funny how the Canadian Geese are the bullies there! Kind of an anachronism since we Canadians are most certainly not known as bullies! lol

Adullamite said...

You managed to ignore the slippery surface those beats leave behind them I note! London is a good place to find wildlife, we used to have a Kestrel outside the window quite often

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