An old English euphemism for visiting this establishment was to '
go and spend a penny'. It's origins are due to the locks on the doors where you had to literally put a penny in a slot to open the door. The first public loos to put locks on the doors were outside the Royal Exchange in the 1850's. I guess how much "value" you get for your 30p is entirely up to you gentlemen!
Well seen, MO!:)
Thats ZAR3.60 for a pee? WOW!
30p to pee!!! Wonder what that gets you - gentleman - let us know, please.
it's unbelievable you've to pay for go bathroom
Well captured!
I've never had to pay to use the potty over here! Interesting potty paying history!
hee hee....
The French call it "making a phone call"...
Nice of them to tell you what coins add up to 30p. It's hard to concentrate when you're bursting...
A sign of the times, everything's more expensive!
Thankfully I have a key to use the disabled loos for free.
... and Ladies? In Paris all public toilets are free of charge, including the world's most beautiful public toilet (just front left to the Madeleine church.). If not, as always, I recommend the best hotels; their toilets are always very nice - and free of charge! Just walk in; hardly ever they would ask why.
Ask George Michael if its a value....
We have an outhouse overlooking the mountains in Colorado; we call it the Looky Loo. It's free.
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