
Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Easter Bunny

Giant bunny has appeared in Covent Garden. Created by the students of the Academy of Flowers using symbols of spring; moss,foliage and flowers.


WhatKathyDid said...

love the movement in the little boy. Was he excited or scared? Great bunny, but it is a teeny bit freaky...

jo©o said...

Academy of Flowers?
Good grief.

Soma said...

Surreal! :-) The difference in size between them is so funny. :-)

Caroline said...

Looks like a scary bunny to me! Great post. Thanks. I really look forward to seeing your new post of the day.

Gunn said...

Well, I have heard about and been to the Chelsea Flower Show, but an Academy of Flowers. (?)... not until now.
Must be a fantastic place to learn the skills!
I like the little child in your photo, added color and a feel of how huge this bunny is.

biebkriebels said...

This is a huge bunny!

Yukinori Katayama said...

Ahahaha! very good!!

Luis Gomez said...

This is so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I'd by lying if I said this wasn't a little creepy.

Anonymous said...

I hope it is a friendly bunny

Babzy.B said...

the bunny is a little scary .... but the little boy seems to enjoy it !

RedPat said...

Bunny looks a bit fierce!

jabblog said...

That's enough to frighten the bejasus out of anyone . . .

H said...

Someone looks pleased to see it :)

gloria cuce' said...

Very nice shot!

Julie said...

I think it is the Chico Marx tooth that makes one hesitate.\

You asked if I were coming to London during this trip, Mo. No, not this time. However, I am over again in Sept/Oct and shall spend 5 days in London during that trip. Shall be in touch closer to the time and organise a wee tipple ... said...

BO!!!!!!!!!!!i'm scared about the giant bunny,LOL!!!

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