
Friday, 22 July 2011

Waiting for Summer

This is how we feel about our misplaced summer. Where is it?


Stefan Jansson said...

It has been in Sweden for most of the time. Although we did get some rain yesterday, it is warm and sunny again today...

John said...

Like waiting for Godot.

Angie said...

We are having the same weather/temps as London - only difference is in West Oz it is our winter!!

Adullamite said...

Same place as always!

Luis Gomez said...

It is all right here in DC! We are melting Mo.

Leif Hagen said...

They don't appear to be very talkative, those two!
bon weekend said...

Fun shot. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

RedPat said...

It was 100˚F here yesterday - we could use a bit of rain!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

I know that feeling, MO. Be prepared, you never what you'll get. FYI, we're melting here in Montreal, 40 C. with humidity!

tw3 said...

Moan, moan, moan:-)
Don't you believe her: it has been the most wonderful spring-summer I can remember here in the UK. Sunny and cool, with gentle rain now and then.

I love those gargoyly sculptures though.

Jack said...

I think people everywhere are complaining, whether it is too hot or too cold. Very hot here, but I am not complaining so long as the heat leaves pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

It must have made the No-Fly list, because we seem to have a double dose of it here in The States. Friday's high temp in Connecticut: 103F/40C. It was 95° at 9:30. What? Is that AM or PM? Yes.

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