This hall known as the Durbar Court originally had no ceiling. Granite floors and coloumns, marble statues, you could be forgiven for thinking you were in another country.
The first reception held in this magnificent court was in 1867 for the Sultan of Turkey.
I've been wanting to see this place ever since Open weekends began. Maybe next year.... there is just too much to see isn't there!
Good shot, wonderful structure
Beautiful! I can imagine it as a courtyard.
Wow! Pretty amazing.
«Louis» looks forward to seeing more of this stately building.
What a gorgeous building with wonderful details. I made the photo bigger to see the details better. I can picture very formal and elegant gatherings taking place here.
This is terrific. Such rich details!
Heey, it looks familiar!
How much history was made in there!
architectural shot, mo
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