
Sunday, 30 October 2011


The clocks have gone back, extra hours sleep welcomed. Our days will be darker for a few weeks so a lovely rainbow to add some colour to your day.


  1. Had an unbelievable rainbow here in Wokingham a couple of days ago, but, in the car and no camera.

  2. The time change happens on 6 November in the U.S. this year.

    The rainbow is always a welcome capture in a photo. «Louis» often finds them to be an elusive catch with his camera.

  3. That colourful moment is much appreciated.

  4. It's getting dark already outside. This is definitely not my time of the year.

  5. When I was working in Chicago, I noticed that when the clocks went back in the fall it was suddenly dark at 5:00PM. So all winter long, I had to walk back to my apartment after work in the dark. We don't go on daylight savings time in Arizona so our time won't change but, it will make arranging meetings with east coast colleagues a little easier.

  6. Wonderful shot! Our time changes next week but we aren't as far north as you so the days here are a bit longer - maybe by an hour or so.

  7. A double rainbow no less!

    I'm hating these dark evenings already and I haven't even had to do a journey home from work in the dark yet. I have that 'pleasure' to face tomorrow :(

  8. I'm rather glad our clocks don't change here in West Oz - we still get rainbows! Make the most of the extra hour of sleep & may many more rainbows brighten your days.

  9. love this one, too

    light, shadow, and scale


    × × ×


  10. Jimmy The ExploderNovember 03, 2011

    Very nice! Love the dress hanging on the right, and a nice capture of the rainbow!
