
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Burnt Car

I guess you wouldn't be too happy if this was your car.


Stefan Jansson said...

Probably not. I still remember those two night when I woke up and there was a car burning outside my bedroom window.

Nori Katayama said...

I thought it's one of "Bond's Car"! ;)

Sharon said...

No, this is a scary prospect.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

No I wouldn't Mo, I'd be right peeved!!

imajoebob said...

I'm surprised it's not buried in tickets and booted.

Adullamite said...

You should see the other guy!

RedPat said...

I would be in a state of frenzy and exhaustion!

Karine said...

Definitely not a good start to the day for that on earth did that happen? Did someone just set it on fire while it was sitting in the street? It can't have been sitting there since the riots happened?

mixtapeselecta said...

That's my car!

Ken Mac said...

beauty in burnt

Gemel said...


Wonder if was an accident, or, intentional?

Ramakrishnan said...

Trust the car was insured :)

Anonymous said...


that's my car

whew, what a relief...
i was afraid it would be found intact and i'd have to drive the clunker all winter

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