Calthorpe Project is a small community garden that describes itself as “An inner city oasis – a community garden and centre where people grow and learn together taking care of each other and the environment.” Like everything at the moment they have been affected by funding cuts. They are now trying to raise funds to be able to continue. Surely we should be putting more money into places like this that provide spaces and activities for local communities, especially the young and old.
If we don't fund these kind of initiatives then we'll be paying the real price for years to come.
Greetings, MO! Thank you for stopping by our blog...
I don't think I've visited your blog previously, but I find it very interesting as I've never been to London.
Re the Calthorpe Project: It's a good thing, in my opinion, and I agree that places like this are a wise investment of public monies. In this country, the military budget, which is grotesquely huge, seem to always take precedence. I've often wondered why we can so easily find the funds to kill people and it is so hard to find the money to help people.
I agree with John, they 'that be' do not think in the long term when they abandon projects like this. They need a 'Secret Millionaire' to come along, if only!! Hopefully it will go well with their fundraising Mo.
I couldn't agree more. The trouble with political parties is they are so short sighted. They can't see past the next election.
I am with Lowell "I've often wondered why we can so easily find the funds to kill people and it is so hard to find the money to help people." Totally agree with him.
It seems to me that it is always the places that do the most good for the community that get hit first and then people complain that youth are idle!
additional funding
might become available
if the garden space can be
retrofitted with surveillance
cameras and/or a police target range
the system is broken
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And it's a good picture too.
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